Place fleece bright side UP on your working space.
FOLD fleece in half lengthwise.
SEW a one inch seam down the middle
to the end.
TURN rightside out and
place through middle of container.
FOLD over the outside so the fleece
covers the tube inside and out.
EXCESS inside tube and bring end to top edge so it fits tightly and
the end of fabric is right at the top of the tube.
PULL DOWN just enough to place
velcro sticky tab on top of folded fleece sticky side down and press to
place the other side of the velcro
(sticky side up) onto the velcro you just placed.
PULL TOP back over sticky
velcro and press down.
REPEAT this around the top until it
is secure. (I use 5 peices of velcro)

Making sure to CENTER plastic in the
middle of the triangle,lightly draw where the edge of the plastic mesh
Cut 1/2 inch strips through
both top and bottom fabric
along the top two edges up to the
lines you drew.
You are now left with fringed edges
on the top 2 shorter sides of the triangle.
Now tie each top and bottom peice of
fringe together with a double knot. I always tie the top center, then a
middle center from each side so the mesh does not slip.
Continue tying knots until all the
fringe has been tied securely.
You can attach the shelf to the cage
by tying the fringe to the cage in the center and on both ends, or you
can tie clips to the middle and both ends and attach it that way.
I use these shelves all over and
move them frequently.
I place them over their
food bowls so nothing can drop into their food as they jump around and
play,and also place them in the corners so they can leap to and from
They are washable,but do not put
them in the dryer.

The picture above shows the corner
shelf in the back corner, and the trampoline swing in the front.
Directions for this coming soon. You will be amazed at how simple this

Plastic embroidery hoops come in a
variety of sizes. To make a two layer swing, you will need both a small
and large hoop. I remove the medal tops and replace with zip ties for
To hang the swing I use braided
Cut 6 strips of fleece 1/2 to 3/4
inches wide and about 24 inches long.
Seperate into 2 groups of 3 and tie
together in a
knot leaving about 2 inches on top.
Braid each of the two groups
together and tie at the end.
Fold in half and then tie each of
the end peices onto the fleece fringe with a double knot,
spacing them evenly apart.
One on top, one on bottom and one on
each side
Pick up the braided fleece in the
center to be sure it is secure and level.
put shower curtain ring
through braided fleece in the middle and hang.